The focus of treatments are attenuation of the viral shedding, complications and clinical course and to counsel the patient with respect to the transmission of genital herpes and natural course. It is essential that patients know that the use of anti viral treatments does not remove the latent virus. Furthermore, anti viral treatments do not have any influence on the subsequent severity or frequency of recurrent genital herpes after the termination of treatment. Bearing this in mind, it is of use to decide if the patient is reporting with his or her first clinical show of genital herpes or if it is a continuous episode. First because of the longer duration and severity of the first clinical report, anti viral herpes treatment likes to be more aggressive than for recurrent episodes.

Oral anti viral medicines are nucleoside analogs that prevent viral replica by preventing DNA synthesis. Agents certified for use include Famciclovir, which is the prodrug of Penciclovir, Valacyclovir, which is a produrg of Acyclovir.  The suggested dosages for the first clinical herpes treatment are depending on dosage and medicine brand:

If you take Acyclovir:
Acyclovir orally three 400 mg two times daily (continue to take 7-10 days)
Acyclovir orally 200 mg 5 times a day for seven days.

If you take Famciclovir:
Famciclovir orally 250 mg 3 times a day for seven to ten days.

If you take Valacyclovir:
Valacyclovir one gram orally twice a day for seven to ten days.

The anti viral herpes treatment may be continued pas ten days until a good clinical response has been attained. Patients who show with primary episodes of herpes proctitis, pharyngitis or stomatitis need Acyclovir 400 mg orally 5 times a day. If a patient has crucial clinical signs require hospitalization, such as disseminated infection, meningitis, encephalitic, hepatitis, phemonitis, Acyclovir can be given intravenously at a dose of five to ten mg per kg of body weight every eight hours for two to seven days or until there is clinically fixation, accompanies by oral antiviral treatment to complete at least ten days of total therapy. Unluckily, most patients are not bother of their diagnosis and exceptionally present in their prodromal phase. The majority of patients present with the appearance of genital vesicles. If antiviral treatment is introduced within the first some days of the presentation of the signs, the median duration of the eruptions is lowered and clinical symptomatology is lowered.

Nearly, 80 to 90 percent of patients with an HSV 2 infection will have an outbreak of continuous genital herpes within twelve months. Moreover, since patients may profit from suppressive or episodic therapy to shorten the length of lesions and prevent occurrence, it is vital to counsel patients to start treatment with the onset of the prodrome or within one day of the onset of lesions. The suggested plans for continuous recurrent infections are:

If you take Acyclovir:
Acyclovir twice a day 800 mg for two days
or Acyclovir 800 mg orally three times a day for 2 days.

If you take Famciclovir:
Famciclovir orally twice 125 mg daily for five days
or Famciclovir 1000 mg orally twice daily for one day.

If you take Valacyclovir:
Valacyclovir 500 mg orally twice a day for 3 days or
or Valacyclovir 1000 mg orally once a day for five days.